Distributed video coding (DVC)

Platforms: Windows

Built with: C++, Visual Studio C++


Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new video paradigm based on two information theorems: the Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv. In this new video paradigm, the source statistic is exploited at the decoder only so the complexity is shifted from the encoder to the decoder. Since the encoding requirement is much lower than that of conventional video codec, the DVC codec is very useful in some emerging applications such as wireless low-power surveillance systems, wireless PC cameras, multimedia sensor network and mobile camera phones.

Project objective

The main objective of the project is to develop a working distributed video coding tool with a strong potential for new applications. We will focus on building a working C DVC version with acceptable performance. Our DVC codec is designed and implemented based on the well-known Stanford and DISCOVER architectures. Some advanced modules such as minimum rate estimation may be included in our implementation to improve the codec system.

Main features

DVC Diagram
