‘Super-diversity’ is a concept that highlights the fact that current diversity patterns significantly supersede earlier ones. The cities of Vancouver, Sydney and Auckland—based in three major countries of current global migration—powerfully represent and demonstrate processes of urban super-diversification.
We have also developed a tool, accessible on a parallel website, which enables you to view and interact with more complex maps. These multi-variable urban visualizations allow the viewer to see as many as six superdiversity indices simultaneously. You can tilt, zoom and fly through the virtual landscape of the data visualization to look at different types of diversity in different places. The maps also include data from several years, for each city, through which you can see how patterns of superdiversity have developed over time. The maps include a panel (upper right corner) which lets you fully control how the map looks, using simple visual settings like shape and colour to analyze how different types of diversity interact in different parts of the city.
Check out here for more details.
Super-diversity: getting started
Vancourver's superdiversity
Sydney's superdiversity
Auckland's superdiversity